The Senior Library was presented with the book titled "Man & Shark" by Paul Hinton and Alex Hofford, to remind us of the poaching problem that exists because of the Shark Fin soups' popularity.
Shark Guardian
GSIS – Secondary
In the Shark Guardian
presentation, I saw sharks so cute they melted my heart and sharks so unique
they surprised me, discovered the amazing variety and many different species of
sharks, harmless and dangerous alike, learnt more about the devastating shark
fin trade, and was surprised when I found out that, technically, coconuts are
more dangerous than sharks! The Shark Guardians have forever changed my
viewpoint on sharks, and have quite inspired me.
~ N
Yu Yu recalls that Sharks are endangered. Sharks are no different from elephants, rhinos and tigers and we should protect them as we do to elephants, rhinos and tigers.
Moreover, more people are killed by falling coconuts than sharks.
Moreover, more people are killed by falling coconuts than sharks.