Thursday, December 12, 2013

IBOB International Battle of the Books, First Friendly Battle between FIS and GSIS

Hooray, German Swiss International School Team triumphed 64 to 36 over French International School Teams. 

FIS Teacher Librarian, Bryant McEntire, is the brainchild of this awesome challenge to build team spirit and engage students to read widely. Thank you Bryant for exciting 40 minutes on Skype Messenger.
Team members of yesterdays battle were:

Arushee Kadam 
Avantika Sengupta
Damian Yiu
Elina Rawat
Hannah Tsang
Isabella Hirt
Isabelle Pomfret
Jeremy Ng
Justin Kui 
Luka Kim
Neha Beri
Nicola Sharp
Pranali Joshi
Sanvritti Singh
Sophie Ng
Trisha Rai
Yan Wing Chung

Team leaders
Pradyumn Dayal
Valerie Hung
Christine Ra


Monday, December 2, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Author and Student Get-together November 5, 2013

Award winning author Mr. Boris Pfeiffer toured four German Schools abroad. Starting in Singapore, he then visited us in Hong Kong, followed by Shanghai and finally Beijing.

Mr. Pfeiffer was already well known by our young students from K5 to K9. Thank you Frau Ruth Soeding, Head Librarian from Singapore European School for sharing your initiative with us.

Our Principal Mrs Brandt-Dammann welcomed our visiting author Boris Pfeiffer on 5.11.2013 in the Old Gym.

In the first part of the get-together Mr. Pfeiffer read and talked about the
background of his popular series "Die Drei Fragezeichen" or The Three Question Marks" Kids series. Then he impressed us by summaries of his new series "Die Akademie der Abenteuer".
Sienna K05B

Mr. Pfeiffer, in spite of his popularity and fame, struck us as a simple and authentic individual who took his profession very seriously. Students asked where he got his ideas from for writing his stories and Mr. Pfeiffer explained that there are three ways. 1. By describing the characters from real life experience. 2. By doing research 3. By being creative and having a lot of imagination.

Mr. Pfeiffer's new book, I can disclose will be about Chinese dragons because we searched for books on dragons and he scanned pages from our collection before he left our school that morning!

Students of K5 to K8 lined up for an autograph.

Thank you
 Mr. Pfeiffer for increasing our students' interest in reading. All your books in our collection have been quickly checked out and is in circulation. Well done.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Y7 Core Double Lesson in the Senior Library

 The Y7's participated actively during our library lesson in our interim library space. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Y7s welcome Brendon and Liz Sing, Directors of Shark Guardian on 24.5.2013. Shark Guardians motto is to preserve and educate children about the many shark species that are not harmful to humans.

The Senior Library was presented with the book titled "Man & Shark" by Paul Hinton and Alex Hofford, to remind us of the poaching problem that exists because of the Shark Fin soups' popularity.

Shark Guardian Presentation

GSIS – Secondary (Y07C)

In the Shark Guardian presentation, I saw sharks so cute they melted my heart and sharks so unique they surprised me, discovered the amazing variety and many different species of sharks, harmless and dangerous alike, learnt more about the devastating shark fin trade, and was surprised when I found out that, technically, coconuts are more dangerous than sharks! The Shark Guardians have forever changed my viewpoint on sharks, and have quite inspired me.

~ N

Yu Yu recalls that Sharks are endangered. Sharks are no different from elephants, rhinos and tigers and we should protect them as we do to elephants, rhinos and tigers.

Moreover, more people are killed by falling coconuts than sharks.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dr Frank Dikotter at GSIS

We were exceptionally honored and lucky to have famed professor and historian Dr. Dikötter here with us on Thursday, March 14th. Dr Dikötter is the author of Mao’s Great Famine, which won the Samuel Johnson Prize in 2011, one of the most prestigious awards for non-fiction writing in the world, and has also achieved critical acclaim worldwide. It was fantastic to have him here sharing his extensive knowledge about 20th century China with us.

Dr.Dikötter discussed the events of the Great Chinese Famine and demonstrated that decisions coming from the top officials of the Chinese government in Beijing were the direct cause of the famine. His talk, though relevant to the book, also touched on topics not brought up in it. He brought up many anecdotes, which amused the audience.

Aside from the capturing humour, Dr Dikötter also shared cruel stories that arose during the dark period of Chinese history that placed 20th Century China into perspective. A fantastic question and answer session also provided inquisitive students a chance to ask Dr Dikötter about the research process behind his writing and his personal opinions on the period. The lecture was certainly useful for aspiring historians in the audience, as they benefitted from learning about the gathering of sources. It was a wonderful experience for the students to have Dr Dikötter speak to them on an issue close to his heart, and as representatives from the student body we would like to thank Dr Dikötter, Mrs Schuurman and Ms Griffiths-Zee for their valuable time and consideration that made the event a success.

Justin Wei and Denise Wong

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Methodencurriculum K11 1.2.2013

Recherieren mit Methode, zwei Stunden mit den K11 Schuelern.

Kritisches Denken und Recherche-Modell von Stripling, sowie das Lernen lernen wurde den 23 Schuelern der K11  heute nahe gelegt. Prima haben sie mitgemacht und mitgedacht. Gawin fand die Stunden waren wichtig! 

Vielen Dank liebe Schueler, meine Muehe hat sich gelohnt.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Britannica Webinar January 14 - 18, 2013

Last week we organized three webinars for students from K07A, K08A and K09A in the Senior Library.

Britannica representative Helen introduced Britannica's rich resources and workspace, citation tools and images from her base in Sydney.

We discussed research skills and the advantages of using Stripling's model as an alternative approach to inquiry based learning. Critical thinking and plagiarism was on the agenda too.

Students participated lively and were engaged; some wonderful moments were experienced when K7 student Max Freyer was able to make connections to his previous learning.

Dr Frederike Ungefehr commented that the five lessons were important and valuable for her students and we are grateful for her support.

Thanks to the IT support group for assisting us with technical issues.