Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our Senior Library Santas |
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Ho Ho HO - lots of good reads for the holidays
Monday, November 12, 2012
Celebrating European Languages and International Mindedness
Invitation by the Hong Kong International Literary Festival &
Office of the European Union to Hong Kong and Macao.
John Boyne, the author of "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" aka "Der Junge im getreiften Pyjama" confessed how surprised he was that his story of friendship, between boys of different races, became so successful and was even made into a movie. The universal theme of friendship that transcends barriers of class systems, culture, language, war and politics and hence was so well received around the world.
Boyne presented excerpts of the movie. He also pointed out that the book was translated into 36 different languages. The Cultural Attaches of the members of the European Union introduced the best of their country and language. Our students also had the opportunity to show off their language skills.
More than 80 students and staff across streams from our secondary department attended the celebration.
Well done.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The Hong Kong International Literary Festival 2012- The Schools Programme - Gregg Olsen, 8 October 2012
Our Y8 students cheered meeting the true crime writer Gregg Olsen.
Gregg is a New York Times Bestselling author. His new YA series: "An Empty Coffin" promises a to be a riveting page turner.
The debut title "Envy" and the second in the series "Betrayal" were all snapped up by our enthusiastic and curious students. Our Y8s asked the author such smart questions that an excited Gregg Olsen told me: "I will never forget today".
"Just by telling us tidbits of the story captivated my attention- I want to read all his books"
Allison Y8D
Mrs. Zara Clayton prompted "Envy and Betrayal, what's not to like"
Mrs. Kamilla Hayward commented: " I can't wait to go home to start reading..."

"His story reminded me of the TV show "Castle". He is a great writer" Lucy Y8D
Mr. Trevor Taylor affirmed it was good for students to meet an author in real flesh.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Senior students settling into new interim library space in L207
The new senior library is an attractive and welcoming space to read |
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Y7 boys enjoying their Deutsch als Fremdsprache lesson in the library |
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K7 researching for their topics on Islam and Hinduism |
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Before school start students rush in to settle in their favorite lounge chairs |
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Searching the library catalogue for relevant resources |
Students taking ownership of their library |
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Creative Writing Workshop with Mary-Jane Newton
Today selected students from both streams participated in a poetry workshop with Mary-Jane Newton. Not only did Mary-Jane inspire us with her enthusiasm but she encouraged our students to write their own poems.

Typically German, she not only awakened our creative juices but also illuminated the whole process of writing poetry. Both the German stream and English stream benefited from this morning of cross fertilization of culture, language and knowledge. Thank you Anne Reiners and Gisela Golla for suggesting and organizing this workshop.
The Frontline
Hands gripping the gun
Sweating uncontrollably
Diving and swooping in the air
Boom, crash, another one annihilated
Welcome to my battlefield.
Adrenaline coursing through my veins
I need to obliterate all my enemies
To get them before they get to me
Wrecked carnage around me everywhere.
Congratulations, you have achieved a new high score.
Michelle Chong
World Peace
World peace, what do we need?
Sieve out the bullets, the fighting, the violence.
Filter out the injustice, the crimes committed.
Pour out the hatred, the greed, the bias.
In their place fill the world with love and care.
Add a thick layer of peace and equality.
Don’t forget the large helping of a sense of community.
Lastly, sprinkle friendship across the lands.
By Maxine Kwan Michelle Chong, Hain Youn, Justin Wei and Kris Chu
What Makes You Beautiful
Say "sumo"
and most people imagine
society's negative obese people
The time has come for self dejection to stop
The huge topless Japanese giants
have self confidence
and so should you.
Fat shaming is a
new and visious sport
Discrimination can stop today
Understand what youare.
Don't be shy about yourself
Trust yourself and embrace
Maxine Kwan, Hain Heon, Justin Wei and Kris Chu
(Source, Young Post)
Appropriation poem
Thank you Paul for coming and taking the beautiful photos!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Joint school librarian competition 2012
Students in four band one schools showed great spirit in the competition that lasted 5 and half hours.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Autorenlesung Tobias Elsäßer 26.3.und 27.3.2012
Der Autor aus Baden Württemberg begeisterte uns mit seine Geschichten und ukelele. Er las uns aus seinen folgenden Bücher vor, Linus Lindberg, Ab ins Paradies und Vielleicht Amerika. Danke Susanne für das organsieren des Besuches.
Danke auch an Frau Green für die schönen Fotoaufnahmen.
Leseomi Überraschung für Frau Hanna Green
Frau Goschin mit den Schülern von der Grundschule
bedankten sich bei Hanna Green für Ihren Einsatz als Leseomi
bedankten sich bei Hanna Green für Ihren Einsatz als Leseomi
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Visit to The Conservation Laboratory (a restricted area) at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum
On 15 March 25 members of the Hong Kong Library Association visited the Conservation Lab to learn about the preservation procedures and tools used by the staff of the Conservation Lab to both printed material and 3D resources. What I was mostly interested was the control of pest, e.g. silverfish.
Withdrawing them from food and air, as well as putting them into sunlight will extinguish them but I hear they are persistent creatures! Yuck.
Withdrawing them from food and air, as well as putting them into sunlight will extinguish them but I hear they are persistent creatures! Yuck.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Young Readers Festival 2012

Nicht nur, weil es Freitag ist, und wir uns auf das Wochenende freuen, aber weil die K05A und ich, dank Frau Steffi Krummrich, die die Initiative ergriff und Herrn Dr. Prinz, der uns kurzfristig die Erlaubnis gab, an dem Readers Festival 2012 in der Kanadischen Schule teilnehmen durften.

Der Autor Eoin Colfer, berühmt gewroden durch die Artemis Fowl Serie, erzählte uns lustige Geschichten aus seiner Kindheit in Irland.
Wir feierten mit David seinen 11 Geburtstag. Ganz herzlich bedanken wir uns für Kuchen und Eis (gespendet von David und Frau Krummrich).
Sehr freuen wir uns auf den nächsten Autorenbesuch.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
'Get more out of Google' posted by Hackcollege
Infographic: work smarter not harder
Learn 'how to google' from this great blogpost recommended by Peter Woodhead.
Learn 'how to google' from this great blogpost recommended by Peter Woodhead.
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